Thursday, February 5, 2009

UMNO/BN again doing their power-grabbing

What happened to Sabah/Pairin when Sakaran Dandai took over the Sabah state government is happening all over again in Perak, though with less drama.

Only in Malaysia where an elected assemblyman/woman can single-handedly change thousands of voters' decision overnight.

I don't need to point out what is wrong with this system, even supporters of UMNO know this power-grab is embarassing and is the lowest form of politics but they're closing their eyes because this is, after all in the name of UMNO.

When Anwar were gloating over the possible defections of UMNO member to PKR, many things were said about frogs and some call for the anti-hop law, which the government never took seriously because they know, they can use the same tactic.

Why these PKR members defect? Well they have a corruption case pending, certainly their heads will be chopped if they're still within the opposition. They're positioning themselves within the UMNO/BN ranks so that their case will be thrown out later.

Just look at Razak Baginda.

Nuff said.